Our latest window display marks the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War. It is events such as this that we are lucky enough to have a display window so that we can show our support for charities and seasonal events during the different times of the year.
Marking this historic event is no exception. We all have relatives who will have served their King and Country at some stage during this conflict. Some who survived the atrocities and returned home never to talk again about what they would witness and endure and, in many cases, some who will have never returned home.
Our display acknowledges those that paid the ultimate sacrifice and provides important facts of the time. My own Grandfather features in the display where he is pictured, sat with his Mother and Aunt on his 21st birthday (March 4th 1917), at Banbury Railway Station, awaiting transportation to ‘Do His Duty’, never knowing if he would ever return.
Also as a part of the display are 12 LED candles in readiness to be a part of the “Lights Out Campaign.” This marks the time (11pm on 4th August) that War was declared and when the lights of Europe first went out. The world would never be the same again. Our window that night will be lit by one candle from 10.00pm – 11.00pm and then for the remainder of that night be lit by those 12 candles.
Please, if your passing, do come and take a look at our display – The best time is at night!
“Their Names Liveth For Evermore”
“Lest We Forget“